The Maiden Voyages

Join us on a journey of transformation…

The sails of the Maiden Voyages are filling with the breath of your songs, secrets, and most sincere desires. The Maiden Voyages is a 8-month program that moves us through the cycles and stages of womanhood: Maiden, Muse, Mogul, Mother, Minister, Mystic, Monarch. Our devotion to the Sacred Mother guides this program, and Mary Magdalene represents the maidenhead. This is where Divine rolls out the red carpet for us, and we roll out the red carpet for Her.

Together we honor our standing, sexuality, affluence, creativity, activism, insight, and holiness. Through singing, self-inquiry, sitting in the mystery, and breathing into the acceptance of our innate ability to channel love in all forms, we awaken and celebrate our unleashed, raw-thentic, wild brilliance. In the container of safety, connection, and playfulness, we reacquaint ourselves with our internal wisdom and music.

Here is where we begin to chart a course for the Divine Feminine. Together, we peek past myths, misogyny, and misinterpretations. We speak what has been silenced, celebrate what has been stigmatized, and honor what has been ignored, and sing what has been awakened. For all of us and the world. Now is the time.

The Voyages include bi-monthly group gatherings with an amazing tribe of powerful women. Plus private one-on-ones with both Beth Gordon and Maureen Muldoon.
These Voyages includes a magical retreat on Madeline Island (the Motherland) August 22-25, 2022.
Four days of walking the labyrinth, hiking, swimming in Mother Superior, fresh, healthy group meals, and amazing rituals. Room not included. A lovely list of places to stay is provided in the package.


We are honoring the call that has been echoing in our hearts. We each arrive at this pivotal point in spiritual evolution with a role to play.  Arise, oh great women and take up your part, hold up your own, and help bring our world into balance through the honoring and alignment of your own personal power. 

A cry has gone out from the earth and the ethers inviting you into a more compassionate and conscious way of being. Our rigid structures and strategies are failing and fading and a re-balancing is underway. Better to be swept UP than under. 

This is where we add love to logic, and insight to innovation to re-imagine and create our world. 

Mother earth, our societies, and our institutions are crying out for the rebalancing of feminine and masculine energies so that empathy, insight, nurturing, collaboration, compassion, and gratitude can lead us into this new paradigm. Everything is coming to light, the #metoo movement, the political injustices, the abuse of power, and the addiction to profit. There has to be another way. The Maiden Voyages offers a space for earnest and exceptional women to heal blind spots, and reveal their brilliance and restore humanity to a kinder exchange. Your presence is requested and your unique contribution is required.

Meet Our Facilitators


Maureen Muldoon is a Muse, Mystic, and Miracle worker and a lifelong devotee of the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine. 

She is a nationally recognized teacher of A Course in Miracles and a celebrity life coach for individuals and organizations. She has supported nationally recognized musicians, actors, and athletes to achieve their personal and professional goals. Her expertise rests on twenty years of building a successful career as an award-winning actress, author, and artist, coupled with her life long work as a licensed spiritual practitioner. Her clear intuition and articulation enable her to deliver impeccable truth and insightful direction. 


Beth Gordon is a warrior, wise woman, fiercely committed to women stepping into their full power and embodying the Feminine Divine at every age and stage of life. She has spent 35 years helping people restore their bodies to full power as a physical therapist and as a yoga instructor. She is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner and a teacher of A Course in Miracles assisting individuals to mental, emotional and spiritual well being. This Prayer Ninja speaks truth with power and laser like precision. She is here to do her part in assisting you to your greatest life as a fully empowered woman. 


This invitation is offered through listening to the direction of the Divine in the hopes of fulfilling three ideas. First, these offerings stem from the desire to put the Divine Mother on the Map. Secondly, it was created in hopes of leaving a legacy of a Feminine face of God, with all of Her characteristics, patience, compassion, nurturing, and grace for our daughters and sons. Finally, this program is offered from the deep and earnest desire to assist women in remembering, restoring, and waking up to their pow-HER. 

We are committed to providing a safe and Sacred space for each woman to share, learn, grow, and be supported, lifting us all past any perceived limitations into our most optimal state of being. This is what to expect from the Voyage.

  • A space to be fully seen, heard, acknowledged, challenged, cared for,  and appreciated.
  • Be a part of a circle of sisterhood that you can count on to encourage you into life’s possibilities and hold the high watch for you. 
  • Express your Truth, find your authentic voice and your unique message to the world. 
  • Identify the barriers and limitations that have held you back. 
  • Move through the 7-stages of the Feminine Divine into your authentic PowHer with clarity and enthusiasm.  
  • Connect with the muse and your personal music: the lighthearted creative playful nature that is your birthright.  
  • Experience, Integrate and Honor the Power of the Feminine Divine in every aspect of your life.
  • Learn to really listen to and take action according to the “still small voice within”.
  • Connect with nature and her magical healing power on Madeline Island (and other inspired locations). 
  • Step into the flow of Love and Life with greater confidence and a deep knowing you are completely supported every step of the way.
  • Rebalance the feminine and masculine energies within.
  • Enjoy living your life from the inside out. You have the power now!

a spiritual community

We are devoted to the Divine Mother and A Course in Miracles. We honor all paths to God, and ask that you don’t leave your beliefs, brains, or background at the door.